Hey this is Page 2 of the stuff!!

This is the first chapter that explains how it all began..

Things always start some kind of way, on this page I will enlighten you.

There's no need to feel ..
There's no need to get...



Luke will supply all the knowledge 4 U!!!






Some Facts ...

Video games have been around for almost 30 something years now. The first computer game ever made was a game called Space wars. Using the earlier military computers, people could play them successfully. The first video game made famous was the old fashion game called "Pong". This game took the concept of Ping-Pong play by using a bouncing a ball that could be deflected back and forth by controlling a line that was moved up or down. The line was moved with a simple little knob, that looks like an ordinary stove knob or somethin'. Some other types of games included..

  1. Table Tennis
  2. Tic-Tac-Toe..
  3. Connect the dots

By the 1980's coin operated games electronic games came into play, and the display was usually vertical. Two players could play at one time and people played such games as pinball.

Here's a time chart of what happened with video games: